Here are the video’s I’ve edited in the past from travel to snowboarding to film fest.

Amsterdam Travels

Spent about 2 weeks living on a house boat exploring Amsterdam with 2 of my best friends.


Traveled from Norway to Sweden over to Denmark.

 Rocky Mountains

Headed to The Rockies for a Snowboarding trip and ending up in a 4 day snow storm.

 Drone work around Fort Ticonderoga

One of my favorite hikes in Upstate New York in heading into Fort Ticonderoga. Got to bring the drone and practice with shot around the fort.

Drone Work around the Winter Cabin

The House We Rented That One Time

48 hour film fest first place film. Helped Produce, Direct, Edit & Acted. This all happened with in 48 hours. Amazing experience to get all of this together filmed and edited.

First film reel

Work from News 12 New Jersey, Brookdale Community College Editing classes, After Effect work and just fun stuff filming and editing.